
Your Attendance at ICCHP-AAATE 2022

This part of ICCHP website gives you information on:

Registration [up]

Registration for ICCHP-AAATE Joint Conference is required for all delegates, registration will open in March 2022. Please find more information about the registration process and the conference rates here.

On-site [up]

Find information about Lecco, the campus Polo Territoriale di Lecco and all the facilities there.

Accessibility and Specific Needs Support [up]

Before the conference, please get in touch with indicating "Specific Need Support" to organise and arrange all possible issues in advance. Please find more information here.

Social events [up]

Social Events at the ICCHP-AAATE Joint Conference are the perfect framework to get to know, meet, connect and network with peers from all areas and subjects. Please find more information here.