
Registration for ICCHP-AAATE Joint Conference is required for all delegates, registration will open in March 2022.

All registration options include admission to all tracks, as well as welcome cocktail, farewell party and official coffee breaks - see Conference Rates for all options.

Registration Process

To register for the Conference create an account. After that please log in and use the menu on the top to register for the event (a new link will appear in Conference Registration called Register for the Event). You can find all your current information (submissions, booked services, billing data) by clicking on the tabs of your profile.

Participants will receive an automatic confirmation of the registration details. If you do not obtain anything, please send an email to to make sure that the Organizer has received your booking. Registration will only be effective on receipt of the registration rate or after authorization of credit card payment. Please notify any corrections to your registration immediately.

Travel, accommodation and meal expenses are excluded from registration rates and result in additional expenses.
We recommend using the online payment (Master Card, Visa) when registering for the Conference. The alternative is a bank transfer. After the online payment you will receive an automatic e-mail message that the transaction was successful. All payments are done in Euro.

Conference Rates


Rate in €
(excl. 22% VAT)


Information, Deadline

Author's Fee

500 included Deadlines speaker registration

Additional paper

250 - Rate per add. paper

Additional LNCS page

60 - Rate per add. page


Early Bird Fee






May 15, 2022


Standard Fee






July 7, 2022


On-site Fee








One-Day Fee






*Lunch of the specific day


Discount for members of cooperationg organisations and members of the organizers


-60 €, upon verification during registration
not available for one-day-fee

Discount for Students, Retirees, Delegates from Non-High-Income Economies:
Full time students of Bachelor and Master study courses
Full time retirees


-350 €, upon verification during registration
not available for one-day-fee


Personal Assistants Get in touch!