Young Researchers Consortium

“The Next Generation of AT and eAccessibility Experts”

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Identification and support of "the next generation of experts" ensures the further development of Assistive Technology (AT) and eAccessibility as well as research continuity.

ICCHP-AAATE is dedicated to this goal and invites young researchers to take part in the ICCHP-AAATE Young Researchers' Consortium.
The aim of this Consortium is to reach out to and engage with young researchers who are starting out to be part of the AT/eAccessibility field (see topics of ICCHP-AAATE).
The YRC enables its attendees to connect with the community and to consider a long-term commitment.

We ask leaders in our field, supervisors of outstanding young researchers (at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, in diploma, masters, PhD programs or in application oriented research in companies) with a strong relation to AT and eAccessibility to invite, guide, motivate and support these individuals to participate and submit a contribution!


YRC allows Young Researchers to: 

  • Learn from experienced researchers in the field. The aim is to give the young researchers an understanding of - the history and the breadth of AT - research. This will be achieved through presentations and hands-on workshops given by experienced researchers and also by focused interaction between the experienced and the young researchers.
  • Present their research work and to receive constructive criticism and feedback from their peers and experienced researchers. This will be achieved by each participant giving a short presentation of his/her current work. Presentations will be reviewed in small workshop groups led by experienced researchers. The best contributions will be invited to present in a plenary session of ICCHP-AAATE.
  • Discuss the future of AT research by identifying trends and hot topics in the area - in effect to suggest a 10-year agenda for the future of AT research. This will be achieved by group workshops that examine future trends in AT.


The YRC is planned as a 2 days workshop during ICCHP-AAATE preconference (July 11 & 12, 2022).
For Young Researchers, participation in ICCHP-AAATE sessions is for free - we encourage our Young Researchers to attend and connect to ICCHP-AAATE activities and attendants!
Nevertheless, we will also have further discussions on selected topics and meetings with drivers in the area!

For exact dates (Paper submission, notification of acceptance etc), check the Keydates!

Who should take part

Young researchers are typically under 30 years of age and tackling their first or second major AT research or development project.
They are based at universities, research institutes, companies or other organizations.

The workshop will be held in English and young researchers should be able to answer questions and discuss their projects in English.

Research presented and discussed must be original, individual work.
Group applications will be rejected, although it is recognised that young researchers may be members of and supervised by a research team.
If the research is the result of group work and other members of the group would like to apply, too, each member must apply independently and present his/her own unique part of the research.
In case a selected participant is also a published ICCHP-AAATE author (LNCS and/or Open Access Compendium), the full ICCHP-AAATE author´s fee is mandatory.

In particular we want to invite young researchers with disabilities and aim to guarantee a high standard of accessibility of the experience.

Exclusion Criteria

Excluded are: 

  • Research projects that have not yet begun and are just draft / ideas.
  • The minimum expectation is that the young researcher has carried out a literature review on the topic, has identified research questions to pursue and methodologies to use.
  • Researchers with already more than five publications.
  • Researchers who want to take part in other activities (e.g., workshops, seminars, tutorials, meetings, etc.) taking place at the same time as the ICCHP-AAATE 2022 - YRC, as a full time presence at the YRC sessions is required!
  • Submissions to the YRC that are not significantly different from work submitted to the ICCHP-AAATE main conference.

Support for Young Researchers

ICCHP-AAATE 2022 participation is free for selected Young Researchers (Please note: This is not applicable, if young researchers also publish with LNCS / Open Access Compendium and take part in the main program)

Applying for YRC

For latest and up-to-date information (Paper submission, notification of acceptance etc), check Keydates!

Prospective Deadline for submissions is May 1, 2022.
Prospective Deadline for the notification of acceptance is June 1, 2022.


A typical submission is an abstract of the research work carried out.
Use the following structure / headings:

A) 2-3 page abstract outlining:

  • Introduction, Motivation for research, Research questions and objectives including research question(s)
  • Brief state-of-the-art
  • System Design
  • Methodology
  • Preliminary results and discussion if available / appropriate

The abstract must be 2-3 pages in length (including figures and references) in Springer LNCS Format.
Figures must be described within the text for screen reader access.

B) 1 page CV incl. a list of publications and the current state in your studies

C) Brief recommendation letter from supervisor about your progress/contributions to research.

D) Bring national cookies

All files must be individual .PDF files, zipped to the filename “” and uploaded to the YRC conference tool.

To submit your contribution, log in (or register if you do not have an account yet) and go to the extended abstract upload form.

For open access proceedings, the YRC chairs will make decisions and recommendations for revising any YRC abstract submission. Publication will occur after the conference.


Based on the review, up to 16 presentations by students will be given at the consortium. Additional inputs will be given or organised by members of the chair panel.
The concept of the consortium is to enable discussion and advice.

For those individuals selected for the YRC, participation in the entire YRC programme is obligatory!
In case a selected participant is also a published ICCHP-AAATE author (LNCS or Open Access Compendium), the full ICCHP-AAATE author´s fee is mandatory.

Get Connected

#icchp-aaate_22 #YoungResearchers #AssistiveTechnology #a11y

The ICCHP-AAATE 2022 Young Researchers' Consortium is co-organised by

  • JKU Linz, Austria
  • fhg health university of applied sciences tyrol, Austria
  • Ryerson University, Canada 

Publication Option

The Book of Abstracts collects descriptions and abstracts of all contributions to the conference. It will provide a comprehensive guide through the program, an overview to the activities in the field and an efficient means for dissemination and information.