On-Site Information 2022

On this pages, you find necessary up-to-date information for your stay with us at ICCHP-AAATE 2022:

      Information on the Venue, Politecnico di Milano,

Polo Territoriale di Lecco

Name and Address of the Venue

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) - Polo Territoriale di Lecco
Via Gaetano Previati 1/c
23900 Lecco

Find it on Google Maps!
Find additional information following Polimi/Lecco website 


Lecco (/ˈlɛkoʊ, ˈleɪkoʊ/) is a city of about 50.000 inhabitants in Lombardy, northern Italy, 50 kilometres (31 mi) north of Milan, the capital of the province of Lecco. It lies at the end of the south-eastern branch of Lake Como (the branch named Lake of Lecco / Lago di Lecco). The Bergamo Alps rise to the north and east, cut through by the Valsassina of which Lecco marks the southern end. The lake narrows to form the river Adda, so bridges were built to improve road communications with Como and Milan. There are four bridges crossing the river Adda in Lecco: the Azzone Visconti Bridge (1336–1338), the Kennedy Bridge (1956) and the Alessandro Manzoni Bridge (1985) and a railroad bridge.
Its economy used to be based on industry (iron manufacturers - going back to the Iron Age and the Celts / Roman Empire), but now it is mainly tertiary.

From climate, Lecco is well sheltered from the mountain ranges and enjoys the beneficial influences of the lake's waters and the breath of the Tivano that blows from the Valtellina from the northeast all year round in the early hours of the morning. Its absence indicates bad weather. In early september, temperatures normally range from 16/61 to 21/70 degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit with 70% humidity.

See more information on history, geography and tourism following this link to the corresponding Wikipedia entry.

Polo Territoriale di Lecco

Polo Territoriale di Lecco is one of several international campuses of the Politecnico di Milano. Ever since 2006, year in which the Master Programs in English were first introduced, the presence of international students has steadily increased. In the first seven years of these programs, a total of 621 students from all over the world have participated.
Today, 25% of the entire student population who lives and studies in Lecco, and which amounts to more than 1.600, are foreign students. This constant growth rate seems to predict greater international participation in the near future. Consequently, our campus is a multicultural platform where students can practice and improve their knowledge of English as well as develop long-lasting friendships with others from diverse linguistic and ethnic backgrounds.

Polo di Lecco has a brand new university campus: 40,000 m2 dedicated to instruction, research and student services. This means modern classrooms where innovative teaching can take place, “state-of-the-arts” labs, and on-campus living space for 204 international and non-resident of Lecco students.

Reaching Lecco

By plane

  • from the Linate and Malpensa airports: daily bus service from the airport to the Central Station of Milan, with a bus every 30 minutes (from Linate) and every 20 minutes (from Malpensa). From Malpensa there is also a railway connection that leads directly to Central Station.
  • from Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport: bus #1 to the railway station of Bergamo. From the station trains to Lecco running every hour (travel time: 40 minutes)

By train

Please note: Accessibility services have to be announced 48hrs prior of departure latest - see Trenord website for details!

  • from Milan: Central station and Porta Garibaldi train line Milan – Sondrio – Tirano. Travel time: 40 minutes for the express train and 1 hour for the local one
  • from Bergamo: train line Brescia - Bergamo - Lecco. Travel time: 40 minutes fo the express train
  • from Como: train line Como - Molteno - Lecco. Travel time: 1 hour and 10 minutes with train change in Molteno
  • from Sondrio: train line Tirano - Sondrio - Lecco - Milano. Stops in Colico, Bellano, Varenna for the express train, further stops for the local one. Travel time: 1 hour and 20 minutes for the express train

By car

  • from Milan (50 km) SS36 del Lago di Como e dello Spluga, a fast road (superstrada) connects Milan with Lecco within 1 hour
  • from Como (30 km) you follow the state roads 342, 639 and 36 and reach Lecco in 45 minutes
  • from Bergamo (35 km) the state roads 342 and 639 lead to Lecco in 50 minutes
  • from Sondrio (80 km) follow the state road SS 38 as far as the junction Fuentes and from there the state road SS 36 to Lecco 

Parking at the venue

We appreciate and support responsible and climate-friendly travels wherever possible.
Lecco itself and also the venue at the POLIMI campus in Lecco are well reachable by train and feet.

However, in case you arrive by car please note:
There are no available parking lots directly on the campus area.

Parking is possible:

  • In the streets around the campus (e.g. Via Previati)
  • Big pay parking area (Parking "La Piccola", Via Amendola, 49)
  • Parking lot of the Shopping Center “La Meridiana”, Largo Caleotto, 10 (5 mins walk, some spaces are under a roof)

Please take care of opening hours and possible fees!


Find below a list of hotels that are partners of our Host, Politecnico die Milano at Campus Lecco.
Rates mentioned here only applicable when booking with the hotels directly by eMail / telephone and upon confirmation by the hotels.
Give "ICCHP-AAATE at Polimi Campus Lecco July 2022" as keyword.


Hotel Name



Single room

Double room
for single use

Double room



Hotel Alberi

Via Lungo Lario Isonzo 4,
23900 Lecco





  • Breakfast included
  • Excl. City Tax


Hotel Don Abbondio

Piazza Era 10,
23900 Lecco





  • Breakfast included,
  • Excl. City Tax


Hotel Moderno

Piazza Armando Diaz 5,
23900 Lecco





  • Breakfast included,
  • Excl. City Tax


Hotel Promessi Sposi

Viale Penati 5/7,
23864 Malgrate





  • Breakfast included,
  • Excl. City Tax


HLL Hotel Lungo Lago

Lungolario Luigi Cadorna 20,
23900 Lecco





  • Breakfast included
  • Check City Tax with hotel


Casa Sull'Albero

Viale Penati 5/7,
23864 Malgrate





  • Breakfast Included,
  • City Tax Included


NH Hotel Pontevecchio

Via A. Visconti 84,
23900 Lecco



Rates to be confirmed

Rates to be confirmed

  • Breakfast included,
  • Excl. City Tax
  • Rates have to be confirmed with hotel!


Hotel Griso

Via Provinciale 51,
23864 Malgrate


Upon availability of rooms:
15% discount on all rates on hotel website

  • Special regulations might apply


La Nostra Casa in Centro

Corso Martiri della Liberazione 24,
23900 Lecco

not rated




  • Breakfast included,
  • Excl. City Tax

*The table was compiled from information provided by our host. In case there are differences, the information in the file has priority: