
Keynotes at ICCHP-AAATE: "Brainfood for AT and eAccessibility"

ICCHP-AAATE presents outstanding talks with the potential to raise awareness for new domains and to open new perspectives for researchers and practitioners in AT and eInclusion. The keynote speeches should make the field of eInclusion reflect and rethink its own practice. They should be provoking and motivating to look accross traditional borders of disciplines:

Wednesday Springer Opening Keynote
Thursday Roland Wagner Keynote
Friday Accessibility Outlook Keynote and Panel

Springer Opening Keynote - Wednesday, July 13, 2022

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Giampiero Griffo

Coordinator of the Italian National Observatory on the Conditions of Persons with Disabilities, lecturer in various universities on disabilities (bioethics, human rights, etc…). He is a member of various (inter)national disability organisations like DPI, DPI-Europe, EDF, FID

Roland Wagner Keynote - Thursday, July 14, 2022

Alessandra Pedrocchi

Full Professor at the Department of Electronics, Informatics, and Biomedical Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. She is one of the founders of the Nearlab laboratory, the NeuroEngineering And Medical Robotics lab, established in 2008 at POLIMI.

Accessibility Outlook 2022 - Friday, July 15, 2022

XR-Accessibility: The missing links to make it happen

The easy, flexible, universally applicable, considerably stable and globally standardised Human-Computer Interface (HCI) has been the core and main access point for digital Accessibility and Inclusion. Being able to focus on this one standard interface reduces the complexity of addressing the diversity requirements of users with disabilities considerably. This has been a major driving force and success factor making "digital" the universal tool for inclusion, as best expressed in the UNCRPD. Guidelines, standards, techniques and tools for implementing accessibility in the design and engineering process are at hand, as this year's ICCHP-AAATE and the series of STSs and keynote panels running for more than 20 years, documents.

By nature any changes to the HCI have a high impact on accessibility and participation of people with disabilities in the digital society. Carefully monitoring and pro-actively researching and analysing trends and developments is key. This session will highlight challenges related to the upcoming broad scale uptake and use of XR - Extended Reality, an umbrella term also including Virtual or Augmented Reality. It includes new ways of interacting including haptics, tangibles, spatcial computing, sensor technology, etc.

We will outline and discuss the state of the art and identify missing links 

  1. to make XR  an assistive solutions to overcoming functional limitations and allowing easier and better participation 
  2. to bring XR to a similar level of Accessibility as known from Digital/Web-Accessibility and integrate it into standards and policy measures

We will in particular discuss:

  • the state of the art in XR guidelines, standards, techniques and tools (e.g. W3C/WAI XR activities)
  • new and promising approaches and solutions of XR-based assistive solutions
  • potential barriers and challenges of XR  for people with disabilities still working with traditional AT
  • education and training needs for end users and the supporting environment
  • support and training for designers, developers and engineers
  • key domains and questions where research and development is needed

The session will include:

  1. An introductory keynote  by Dr. Nicholas Giudice, Professor in the School of Computing and Information Science at the University of Maine; Chief Research Scientist at the VEMI Lab; Chief Research Officer at Unar Lab, Orono, Maine, USA.
  2. An introductory statement by Chris Patnoe, EMEA Lead for Accessibility and Disability Inclusion, Google, UK.
  3. A statement from an end user and/or service providing organisation (tbc)

The session will be moderated by Dr. Joshue O'Connor, InterAccess and earlier W3C/WAI

The session will finish with the official Closing Ceremony and Farewell reception of ICCHP-AAATE 2022.


Nick Giudice

Keynote Panel


Joshue O'Connor


  • Nick Giudice
  • Chris Patnoe
  • End user and/or service providing organisation (tbc)